This function adds a NumericList of coverage (or any other signal in the input bigWig file) to each range in a GRanges object. The coverage is reported for a fixed-sized window around the region center. For regions with negative strand, the coverage vector is reversed. The coverage signal is added as new metadata column holding a NumericList object. Note, this function does not work on windows because reading of bigWig files is currently not supported on windows.

addCovToGR(gr, bwFile, window = 1000, binSize = 1, colname = "chip")



GRanges object with genomic regions. It should contain a valid seqinfo object with defined seqlengths.


File path or connection to BigWig or wig file with coverage to parse from.


Numeric scalar for window size around the center of ranges in gr.


Integer scalar as size of bins to which the coverage values are combined.


Character as name of the new column that is created in gr.


GRanges as input but with an additional meta column containing the coverage values for each region as NumericList.


if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") { # use example bigWig file of ChIP-seq signals on human chromosome 22 exampleBigWig <- system.file("extdata", "GM12878_Stat1.chr22_1-30000000.bigWig", package = "sevenC") # use example CTCF moitf location on human chromosome 22 motifGR <- sevenC::motif.hg19.CTCF.chr22 # add ChIP-seq signals to motif regions motifGR <- addCovToGR(motifGR, exampleBigWig) # add ChIP-seq signals as column named "Stat1" motifGR <- addCovToGR(motifGR, exampleBigWig, colname = "Stat1") # add ChIP-seq signals in windows of 500bp around motif centers motifGR <- addCovToGR(motifGR, exampleBigWig, window = 500) # add ChIP-seq signals in bins of 10 bp motifGR <- addCovToGR(motifGR, exampleBigWig, binSize = 10) }