Each anchor region has a strand that is '+' or '-'. Therefore, the each interaction between two regions has one of the following strand combinations: "forward", "reverse", "convergent", or "divergent". Unstranded ranges, indicated by *, are treated as positive strand.

addStrandCombination(gi, colname = "strandOrientation")





name of the new column that is created in gi.


The same GInteractions as gi but with an additional column indicating the four possible combinations of strands "forward", "reverse", "convergent", or "divergent".


# build example GRanges as anchors anchorGR <- GRanges( rep("chr1", 4), IRanges( c(1, 5, 20, 14), c(4, 8, 23, 17) ), strand = c("+", "+", "+", "-"), score = c(5, 4, 6, 7) ) # build example GIntreaction object gi <- GInteractions( c(1, 2, 2), c(4, 3, 4), anchorGR, mode = "strict" ) # add combination of anchor strands as new metadata column gi <- addStrandCombination(gi) # build small matrix to check strand combination cbind( as.character(strand(anchors(gi, "first"))), as.character(strand(anchors(gi, "second"))), mcols(gi)[, "strandOrientation"] )
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] #> [1,] "+" "-" "convergent" #> [2,] "+" "+" "forward" #> [3,] "+" "-" "convergent"